Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Pros and Cons of Workplace Laws

Workplace laws are set up to set guidelines for appropriate behavior and to let employees know what is acceptable and what is not within the walls of your office space. Not only do these laws talk about acceptable behavior, but it also clarifies rules and regulations regarding your place of business. This can include such things as a smoking policy, rules about food and beverages at your desk or the use of the work phone for personal calls. Laying a list of guidelines out for your employees puts in place rules that can be produced if an employee were to abuse these regulations.

Let's talk about smoking laws. It is getting harder and harder nowadays to find any establishment where smoking is accepted. Places of employment are no exception. Most states require that you refrain from lighting up a cigarette until you are at least 25 feet away from the entrance to any building or in the confines of your own car, with the windows rolled up. If you are one of the few companies who do allow smoking, it is important to set certain guidelines of where the designated smoking are in the building at that any smoking should be reserved for only in that area. This will give your employees the freedom to go and smoke but will give your other employees who choose not to smoke the luxury of not having to breathe in any second hand smoke.

Many places of business do not allow food or beverages at their desk. This is for many reasons. One reason is for the protection of the equipment at your desk. There have been many instances where an employee has spilled a giant soda on their key board or spilled something on their computer ruining the entire thing and losing valuable information stored on it. Another reason for restraining from bringing food to your desk is for smell purposes. Many people are very sensitive to smells and if everyone under the sun brought a different cuisine to their desk, can you imagine what it would smell like? Probably not too great!

The guidelines for workplace laws is essential in making sure that the business is run smoothly and that all employees are courteous and respectful to one another.

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