Monday, August 2, 2010

How to Quit Smoking Without Annoying Anyone

Everyone wants to quit smoking... except of course for those who were wise enough not to start in the beginning. But those of us who were wise, are also very judgmental (not too wise) of those who continue to smoke even though they know that there are hundreds of statistics that say smoking causes death of some sort.

I have a mother-in-law who has emphysema but continues to smoke. I want to shake her and say "What in the world are you doing?? You're going to die if you don't stop smoking!" but I know better. She is my mother-in-law you know... and would most likely be my X-Mother-in-Law if I said that to her.

Anyway, smoking is a serious thing. I have been told it is extremely difficult. I think the reason it is so hard to quit is because ones desire to quit smoking most of the time is just not as strong as ones desire to smoke... period. That is why I think most attempts to stop smoking do not work.

So when looking for a way to stop smoking, look for a way that would make your desire to stop smoking greater than your desire to smoke. My goodness, this is starting to sound like a math equation. But hey, maybe if we turn it into one, it will make more sense. The equation is...

Desire to quit smoking > Desire to smoke (for those who stunk at math, ">" means "greater")

Since we are into equations now, we mine as well add another:

Smoking = Death (ok, but who is being judgmental).

Anyway, the following ways to quit smoking do nothing to change ones desires and therefore, are typically ineffective:

    *  Patches (Have you ever heard of anyone that stopped smoking by using this method... and how many times have you tried this and it didn't work?)
    * Cold turkey" (They should probably call this "hot turkey" instead of a cold turkey since you wouldn't want to get near someone who is quitting smoking "cold turkey"!)
    * Exercise (How many people do you know who smoke and exercise, too??)
    * Chewing Gum (How much sense does this make? Typically most people who want to stop smoking are older and wouldn't chew gum to save their life unless they wanted all of their fillings to come out. )

So what is the best method to quit smoking? You need to change your mind... change how you think... change what you find "appealing"/desirable.

So how is that done? Aha! The answer is simple... psychology. Think about it.  Remember how you manipulated your kids... I mean "trained them". How many ways did you use psychology to get them to do what they should do?? Be honest. It works! So when looking for a method to stop smoking, look for a class or a book ... one that manipulates... I mean "trains" your brain to make your desire to quit smoking greater than your desire to smoke. It's that simple.

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