Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tougher Tobacco Laws Take Effect

Tobacco is a killer and new laws are being implemented to prevent the nation's youth from becoming the latest statistics of the killer. After a year of waiting, President Obama signed the bill with the intent of curtailing tobacco use in the young and to educate consumers on the drug. The law officially went into effect on June 22, 2010 and include the following three active provisions:

    * New limitations regarding the sale, distribution and marketing of tobacco products to those under age 18
    * Rules that limit the misleading language on cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products such as light," "mild," or "low"
    * The law requires better labeling methods on smokeless tobacco products.

For decades, tobacco use has been a major contributor to the nation's mortality statistics. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that smoking causes nearly 1 of every 5 deaths (nearly 443,000) of the countrys annual death toll. Additionally, smoking increases the risk of contacting numerous diseases including:

    * Coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times
    * Stroke by 2 to 4 times
    * Men developing lung cancer by 23 times
    * Women developing lung cancer by 13 times
    * Dying from chronic obstructive lung diseases by 12 to 13 times

According to the Surgeon General, tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease and the new tobacco laws may also have a positive affect on that statistic. Smoking and smokeless tobacco products are major contributors to several oral care issues such as tooth decay, mouth cancer and tooth loss. Although these problems may not occur immediately in the youngest tobacco users, over time constant use will increase their risk of developing health issues associated with the behavior.

If you are parent concerned about your children smoking, the best move is to lead by example and stop smoking yourself. Visiting your dentist can be the first step in breaking the habit. The American Dental Association (ADA) "offers a variety of materials and information designed to help dentists assist patients who want to quit tobacco and prevent youth tobacco use." A discount dental plan can help offset the expenses associated with the visit and will be a valuable tool to ensure the continued oral health of both you and your loved ones.

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