There is a familiar sight we've probably all seen: a cigarette stands outside a bar alone; crushed that it's unable to go in, tiny tears of ashes fall from its white paper, the spark in its eye fades away. Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man, long given up the fight, have put down their signs of protest and gone home. It, after all, is just no use: cigar bars are no place for cigarettes. They are havens for cigars. Places Ashton Classics can go where everybody knows their name, cigar bars are ideal places for both cigars and cigar lovers.
Established as venues that cater to the cigar smoker lifestyle - the love for the finer things - cigar bars really came into being during the 1990's, when the cigar revolution was underfoot (and head). Though these types of bars had been in existence for years, the revival of interest in cigars also revived the interest of pulling up a stool at a cigar bar.
Cigar bars may appear like regular bars on the surface: many serve food, many have all kinds of alcohol, and many have music or a live band entertaining the masses. To those who look closer, cigar bars are often a step up the ladder of luxury: a "dive bar" and a "cigar bar" are on opposite ends of the saloon spectrum.
Keeping with the old traditions of yore, many cigar bars cater purely to upper class men, those who enter are met with an ambience that speaks to old world gentleman. These upscale cigar bars also include humidors and some have lockers for patrons to place the cigars they are saving for later. Some cigar bars, including the Cuesta-Rey Cigar Bar in Tampa Bay, Florida, merge new world sports bars with classic cigar bars: they include pool tables, televisions, and a full bar of alcohol.
Some of the more relaxed cigar bars take pity on their inferior cousins: they allow cigarette smoking. However, the classic cigar bar turns its nose at the Virginia Slims and Salems of the world: they only allow cigars. These classic cigar bars do often serve alcohol and food, but many of the types served are aimed to enhance the experience of a good stogie.
As many cities across America and the world begin placing No Smoking signs on their city crests, adopting bans that prohibit smoking in public areas, cigar bars are being viewed as a refuge for those who love tobacco. Since many are immune to the smoking bans, having been given this immunity because they are venues established purely for tobacco use, cigar bars have been a saving grace for lovers of luxury. This has, in a fit of evasiveness, also caused many bars to pass themselves off as "cigar bars." However, classic cigar bars beat imposters any day: classic cigar bars smoke out the competition.
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