Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Top Reasons to Stop Smoking

There are an infinite number of reasons to stop smoking; be it because of you health, the effect it is having on your family, or simply your ever decreasing bank balance. No matter why you have made the decision; it is the right decision. Here are a few more excellent reasons to urge you on

Despite what you may've been led to believe through your life, smoking is neither cool, nor sexy.

Before we knew just how damaging smoking was for us, it did look cool for a man to have a cigarette gently hanging from the corner of his mouth; or for a woman to seductively draw on her with her big rouge lips.

Now, people just see some sad and uninteresting fools, often huddling alone on a street corner somewhere.

Which moves us swiftly on to another top reason to stop smoking; you aren't a fully paid up member of society.

Times are changing, with there being an increasing number of places where you are not allowed to smoke inside. Indeed, there are many places with laws prohibiting smoking in some external areas.

Essentially therefore, smokers are nothing more than pariahs; second class citizens, undesirables, and any other such superlatives you can think of!

Okay, so we have established that you look a little bit sad and are considered a little bit sad by everyone else. But what of you yourself; it doesn't get much better.

For a start, you absolutely reek to high heaven; all the time. Okay, so you can have a nice shower in that wonderfully scented Aloe Vera, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine and Passion Fruit, Tropical Sunshine Exfoliating Shower Cream. But then you go and light up, and you smell like a dog's... You get the picture I am sure.

Then of course you have no real sense of smell, (which is lucky in many ways as you cannot smell your own stench), or indeed and sense of taste. No matter whether you are eating at your local Taco Bell or Chef Ramsay's latest venture in Manhattan, you can't taste jack.

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