Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Reality Check - Quit Smoking

As smoking laws make it more and more difficult for people to smoke outside their homes, it could be a good incentive to give it up.

Smoking has been banned in most public places including your favorite pub, so what are you going to do, stare into your beer and brood on the unfairness of it all - try to quit smoking, its definitely a better alternative. People are often discriminated against in offices and other places because of smoking and to many people the smell of tobacco is offensive. Another very good reason to consider giving up this bad habit is your health; 'smoking kills' is being printed in bigger and bolder letters on every pack sold. Tobacco companies have had to pay out huge sums when they were sued by cancer patients and the courts ruled in the patient's favor. Yet another reason to quit would be, second hand smoke is killing your loved ones. Puffing up a storm at home is endangering the lives of your family because second hand smoke is deadly.

You will find plenty of advice on the internet about tips to quit smoking, ten best ways to stop smoking and so on. Reading all the books in creation, using patches, chewing gum, none of it works if the will to stop smoking does not come from deep inside you. Anyone who advises you to cut down slowly till you stop is living a fool's dream! As long as your body gets the daily dose of nicotine you are never going to stop. The only way is to make a firm decision, throw away every single pack of cigarettes and all your lighters and STOP!

It will not be easy but you can do it! Good Luck!

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